Background rendering was one of the first things that the developers tested while developing Lumion, but unfortunately Windows became very unresponsive while Lumion was rendering in the background. 幕後渲染,是目前研發人員許多優先改進項目之一。目前研發測試結果是當幕後渲染時,其他作業變得反應極慢。 What I think most people do is to render 640x360 movies until they're happy with the result, and then let their PCs render the high quality, full resolution movies at night. 所以嘛,我想大部份的人只好先渲640*360的影片,等到你滿意時。到晚上睡覺前再去搞解析度較高的圖吧! 以上資訊搜索提供者為太陽系講師沈小姐,中譯by陳力欣